Africa Caribbean Brazil


“In this movie, I’ll be investigating the paths my uncle walked until he was finally accepted, not just as an actor, but also as a director, creator, questioner, and center of attention.” (Vantoen Pereira Jr)

The focus of this movie won’t be just the importance of his artistic career, but also his political and activist role as a black artist who refused to do undermining roles and to submit to the social or aesthetic rules of the time. It’ll explore darker themes such as his drug use, forced exile, and political persecution.

In the background, there will be an analysis of the impact of historical moments such as the military dictatorship, Bossa Nova, and Cinema Novo on his personal and professional life. All of it intertwined with his family’s story, one about a black family raised in an affluent region of Rio de Janeiro.

As sources, we will be utilizing both the family’s personal archive as well as the one in Centro AfroCarioca Zózimo Bulbul, a partner in the project and one of the biggest professionalizing centers for black youths in cinema in Brazil.